Endless Spells – Chronomantic Cogs

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Endless Spell WARSCROLL

Chronomantic Cogs

Like the procession of the heavens, the rotations of the Chronomantic Cogs control the passage of time, allowing wizards to speed or slow the events that are unfolding around them.

Unit Size: -      Points: 50
Battlefield Role: Endless Spell
Base size: Use model

SUMMONING: This endless spell is summoned with a spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 6". If successfully cast, set up the endless spell wholly within range of the caster.

Mechanisms of Time: The workings of the Chronomantic Cogs show the passing of seconds and aeons alike. By manipulating the cogs, a spellcaster can speed up time around them, allowing warriors to quickly close with their enemies. In the same vein, a wizard can slow time’s passage so as to avoid incoming blows and provide themselves a chance to cast further spells.
When you set up this endless spell, you must decide if it is increasing or decreasing the flow of time.

If it is increasing the flow of time, players can re-roll charge rolls for friendly units while they are wholly within 12" of any endless spells with this ability.

If it is decreasing the flow of time, players can attempt to cast either Arcane Bolt or Mystic Shield in their hero phase with a friendly WIZARD wholly within 6" of this endless spell without counting that spell towards the number of spells that WIZARD can attempt to cast in that phase. In addition, subtract 1 from hit rolls for shooting attacks that target WIZARD HEROES while they are wholly within 6" of any endless spells with this ability.

If a player has any friendly WIZARDS within 6" of this endless spell at the start of their hero phase, they can change whether this endless spell is increasing or decreasing the flow of time.

Designer’s Note: If a player already cast Arcane Bolt or Mystic Shield earlier in their hero phase, this endless spell does not allow them to cast that spell again.
19.1 Casting Spells
In your hero phase, you can attempt to cast spells with friendly WIZARDS. You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same hero phase, even with a different WIZARD. In order to attempt to cast a spell, pick a friendly WIZARD, say which of the spells that they know will be attempted, and then make a casting roll by rolling 2D6. If the casting roll is equal to or greater than the casting value of the spell, the spell is successfully cast.
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11.1 Charge Moves
When you attempt a charge with a unit, make a charge roll for the unit by rolling 2D6. You can then make a charge move with each model in that unit by moving the model a distance in inches that is equal to or less than the charge roll. The first model you move in a unit attempting a charge must finish the move within 1/2" of an enemy unit. If this is impossible, no models in the unit can make a charge move.

You do not have to pick a target for a charge attempt before making the charge roll.
Arcane Bolt
The caster calls forth a ball of crackling arcane energy that hovers above their outstretched hand, ready to be hurled at a foe.
Arcane Bolt is a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, at the start of any 1 phase before your next hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. That unit suffers 1 mortal wound. If that unit is within 3" of the caster, it suffers D3 mortal wounds instead of 1.
Mystic Shield
The caster conjures up a shield of shimmering energy to protect themselves or an ally from harm.
Mystic Shield is a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 12". If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within range and visible to the caster. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that unit until your next hero phase.
Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Hit characteristic, the attack scores a hit and you must make a wound roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified hit roll of 6 always hits. A hit roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Sometimes an ability will allow a single hit roll to score two or more hits. If this is the case, make all of the wound and save rolls for those hits at the same time.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024